Perhaps, are trying to say that jesus is different than the other godmen?
Err, umm, yes, along with 2 billion other Christians.
jews for thousands of years have believed in their "one god" so i always wondered if in jesus time this was the view, how and when did the trinity start?
did jesus start it off?
are you saying jews were trinitarian?
Perhaps, are trying to say that jesus is different than the other godmen?
Err, umm, yes, along with 2 billion other Christians.
jews for thousands of years have believed in their "one god" so i always wondered if in jesus time this was the view, how and when did the trinity start?
did jesus start it off?
are you saying jews were trinitarian?
JD II: I don't want to read too much into your post, but I don't think the mere fact that some men in history claimed to be God-men, or that others regarded them as such, in and of itself proves that Christ was not God-man.
Satanus: No, it doesn't. But, i find it interesting to see jesus in the big picture.
Unless one believes that He indeed performed those many miracles and rose from the dead. In that event, I don't think he falls into that category and is not part of that big picture.
when thomas said "my lord and my god," he used the exact words that david used at psalm 35:23 with reference to god, writing, "awake, be vigilant in my defense, in my cause, my god and my lord," (rsv, nab, kjv and green's literal translation).
"lord" here is translated from the hebrew adonai used exclusively of god.
thomas would never have used these same words when addressing the risen christ if he were just a man.
jews for thousands of years have believed in their "one god" so i always wondered if in jesus time this was the view, how and when did the trinity start?
did jesus start it off?
are you saying jews were trinitarian?
The Trinity was one of the truly cruel philosophies to entrap humans-
You still haven't answered how this doctrine of the Trinity entraps humans.
jews for thousands of years have believed in their "one god" so i always wondered if in jesus time this was the view, how and when did the trinity start?
did jesus start it off?
are you saying jews were trinitarian?
The Trinity was one of the truly cruel philosophies to entrap humans- Love me or I will toruture you for all eternity.
I don't think you have the slightest clue what the Trinity actually teaches and it is not what the Society tells you. That is a fact. Furthermore, I don't see how a philosophy, i.e., this doctrine, in and of itself can lead to such terrible things. It is a theory, a theological concept that explains the nature of God and Christ. Why don't you enlighten us on how this "philosopiy" has entrapped humans. You aren't making any sense.
Look at the history of the Trinitarians over the past 1800 years,
Now you are switching horses in mid-stream. So is it the doctrine you have issues with, or the people who claim to be Trinitarians? If the latter, then you better take a closer look at the Governing Body of JWs because you're claiming guilt by association. And if that is the case then you don't want anything to do with the WBTS due to a shocking degree of molestation and other nefarious conduct, not to mention other unseemly behavior which as lead to 40,000 JWs (or more) being disfellowshipped yearly. As far as comparing behaviors, give the JWs 1,800 years and then come back and talk to me. I'm sure they'll catch up. You need to educate yourself in this regard. I'll help you. Spend some time here.
The doctrine of the Trinity is a doctrine. It does not kill and maim. If you have a problem with Catholics, take it up with them, but don't blame that on a theological concept.The trinity deals with the three-fold, triune, nature of God, among other things.
jews for thousands of years have believed in their "one god" so i always wondered if in jesus time this was the view, how and when did the trinity start?
did jesus start it off?
are you saying jews were trinitarian?
The Trinity was one of the truly cruel philosophies to entrap humans- Love me or I will toruture you for all eternity.
That translated itself into humans feeling justified for bringing war to millions and millions, torturing others, even members of their own belief system.
How so? Can you explain your comment? How does such a theological belief lead to these horrible things? Can you back it up? Or is this just an opinion of yours? Do you understand the Trinity doctrine? Can you explain that to us?
i read threads about reform and needed changes.
i don't like the idea.
i personally think that a harmful dangerous mind-control cult should not find some way to moderate slightly to keep their membership.
Impossible. Not within the realm of possibility. Not even close. They would have to turn upside down.
jews for thousands of years have believed in their "one god" so i always wondered if in jesus time this was the view, how and when did the trinity start?
did jesus start it off?
are you saying jews were trinitarian?
JD, Actually, the acepteance of the Trinity is NOT a basis for slavation in the RCC , well at least not according to RCC, it is crucial, in their view, to understanding the relationship between God, Jesus but it is not needed for ones "salvation".
jews for thousands of years have believed in their "one god" so i always wondered if in jesus time this was the view, how and when did the trinity start?
did jesus start it off?
are you saying jews were trinitarian?
In view of the the surrounding prevalence of beliefs in godmen, there was pressure on budding christianity to create their own godman. I found this article which lists many of them:
Examples of divine kings in history
See also: sacred king
Some examples of historic leaders who are often considered divine kings are:
I don't want to read too much into your post, but I don't think the mere fact that some men in history claimed to be God-men, or that others regarded them as such, in and of itself proves that Christ was not God-man.
jews for thousands of years have believed in their "one god" so i always wondered if in jesus time this was the view, how and when did the trinity start?
did jesus start it off?
are you saying jews were trinitarian?
If you can show me where they say it is needed for salvation I would greatly appreciate it.
I'm not near a library right now but will look into it for you.